Information for Witness(es)

Those who’ve witnessed sexual misconduct often wonder about their role. Below are some frequently asked questions — and answers — that may be helpful.

Your name was given to a Title IX investigator; you were identified as someone who may have direct information about alleged misconduct or an incident that violates a CalArts policy.

Although it’s expected that all witnesses cooperate, you are not obligated to meet with anyone. Still, your name was shared likely by someone involved in the investigation who believes you have pertinent information to provide to investigators.

Yes. Counseling Services is a free resource on campus for students. Its office is located in A207. You can contact counselors Melissa Shepherd Williams, MFT, and Lily Rodriguez, LMFT, at (661) 253-7871 and (661) 253-3436, respectively, or in room A207.

This is often not possible. If you provide certain information during your meeting with investigators, it is likely your name will need to be shared with the parties involved so they can understand the context of questions or information shared with them. Keep in mind: If you are the only other person to know a specific piece of information, the other parties will likely know the information came from you.

No, if you are called as a witness of an alleged sexual misconduct incident, you are not in trouble. If it is discovered you were not in violation of the Student Code of Conduct during the incident, the Office of Community Rights and Responsibilities will not charge you with policy violations. The Title IX investigators need you to be as forthcoming as possible without fearing consequences for yourself.

At CalArts, we have both external and internal investigators available to match the situation. The Title IX Coordinator will meet with you to discuss the process. 

You will need to be prepared to share with the Title IX investigators what you know about the incident. If you have any text messages or  screenshots from before, during or after the incident, please be prepared to share those with the investigators.

Typically, the Title IX investigator gathers information about the incident. The complainant, respondent and necessary witnesses will participate in the investigation, with the Title IX Coordinator overseeing the process and communicating with all parties involved.

The investigators will use your information along with all other evidence and information collected to complete their investigation. The complainant and respondent have the right to know what you shared so they can defend, confirm or rebut any