Resources for Student Support

Not all conversations will be resolvable within the classroom. Some situations will need larger institutional support.

To report a concern about a student, please visit the Support & Advocacy Care page.

The CARE Team exists to assist students in distress and to ensure the health, well being and safety of the entire CalArts community. While the primary work and focus of the team is on students, it also receives and acts upon reported concerns for faculty and staff.

When an incident is reported or a person of concern has been identified, the CARE Team will evaluate the information, investigate as needed, and determine the appropriate intervention strategies. Concerns may include but are not limited to academic deficiencies, mental or medical issues, family or personal problems, transitional struggles, and/or conduct. Anyone in the CalArts Community can bring concerns to any member of the team. All reporting will be handled confidentially and sensitively. 

Institute Policies

The recent history of Covid 19 and the intensity of race and identity-based violence in the United States gave us, as a teaching community, a collective awareness of the impact that tragedy and trauma, individual and societal, can have on a student’s academic progress. If we carry an awareness that individual students and student identities have long lived in traumatic structures, we can begin to see trauma-informed education as an act not only of compassion but also as actions towards equity and justice.

“Individual trauma that students may experience can best be understood as "an event, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening and that has lasting adverse effects." 

The way schools and mental health professionals approach trauma with students has more often than not been with a colorblind approach that fails to take into account how racism and other societal injustices may have adverse effects on children. In a recent report on historical and racial trauma, The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) stated that "traumatic events that occur as a result of witnessing or experiencing racism, discrimination, or structural prejudice (also known as institutional racism) can have a profound impact on the mental health of individuals exposed to these events."  Anti Racist, Trauma Informed Education from the Public Good

Resources: In the Eye 1 In the Eye of the Storm: Students' Perceptions of Helpful Faculty Actions Following a Collective Tragedy There