Strategic Visioning Project: Current State Investigation Report

Strategic Visioning Project: Current State Investigation Report
CalArts is in the middle of a Strategic Visioning Project. Building off our findings from the Discovery Phase, we are now close to the conclusion of the Investigation Phase.

We invite you to access the newly released Current State Investigation Report on the Strategic Visioning Project website.

In this report, we focus on perception-based qualitative data gained from focus groups, office hours, meet and greets, lunches, and town halls with over 600 students, faculty, staff, alumnx, deans, and trustees over the past five months. The purpose of this report is to gain an understanding of internal perceptions of the Institute in its current state.

The findings will further inform knowledge of the gaps between perception and practice and help to generate trust and understanding for future initiatives that emerge from CalArts’ Strategic Vision.

  • The themes explored here are the major topics that surfaced during our qualitative internal interviews and should not be thought of as a prioritized list of CalArts’ opportunities and challenges. Rather, they are the topics that were most frequently identified by internal stakeholders in the community.
  • This report focuses on the current state of CalArts in order to understand where perceptions and practice are today.
  • The second Investigation report will focus on future possibilities and will be available May/June 2019.
  • Prioritization of CalArts’ opportunities and challenges will happen during the Strategy phase through the development of the Strategic Framework.

Please continue to reference and participate in the CalArts Visioning website. So far we have had 293 Unique Visitors, 361 Visits, and 1816 Pageviews. 

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