Post a Job

About Compass @ CalArts Job Board

Through the Compass @ CalArts online job board, employers can post employment opportunities that are open to the CalArts community free of cost. Employers can post the following types of positions:

  • Jobs (full time and part time)
  • Internships (paid and unpaid)
  • Freelance (commissions, project based)
  • Open Calls/Auditions
  • Scholarships/Grants
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Competitions/Contests
  • Fellowships /Residencies
  • Professional Development

How to Post a Job as an Employer

Before you post, please review our Employer Guide & Sample Job Description.

Prepare the following: main contact name, title, valid business email address, phone number, address, company logo, website, job title, position description. 

A successful job description includes:

  • Job Title
  • Company Description/About Us
  • Qualifications
  • Time commitment (total number of hours)
  • Salary/Compensation
  • Application process/ hiring documents requested
  • Job duties 
  • Benefits

Need help writing a job description? Contact us at

Now that you are ready to post, follow these steps:
  1. From your web browser visit Compass @CalArts
  2. New Users: Click ‘sign up’ or ‘sign up and post jobs’ Existing Users: enter username and password
  3. Once logged in click 'create job posting’.
  4. Fill in the requested information such as company, job title, job description and contact info. 
  5. Click "submit"

What Happens Next?

  • Your submission will be reviewed by our employer team within 3 business days.
  • You will receive an email when your job posting is approved or denied.
  • If approved, your job will be available to CalArts students and alumni within 48 hours.
  • Your posting will be live for 45 days after the posting date unless you change the default to a date earlier. You will be notified as your job approaches expiration and provided an opportunity to extend the posting for 30 days
  • If applicants apply, you will be notified via the method chosen